Cute in a Hand


Sew In Love

via twig & thistle
Just Like The Comet
Here's a good acoustic version of my favorite song ("Comets") off of an album I like more and more every time I listen to it (Reservoir, by Fanfarlo). I've had it for some time now, but this past weekend it got about as many listens as it takes to fly from Chicago to San Diego and back again. This morning "Comets" got a few more listens on the way into work because I still wanted more. I always meant to post a picture of a little note the drummer, Amos, left on my CD purchase invoice. I'm not sure if it's still this way, but at the time I had to buy the CD through their website, and he wrote something like "thanks for buying our CD. we hope to make it to Chicago some day." I thought it was the nicest personal touch.
Everyone Look At Pictures Of My Cat
This makes me laugh. And reminds me exactly why I don't get twitter and hereby request my friends to stage an intervention in the event I lose my mind and start twittering.
A laugh was in order after returning from sunny San Diego to a shiester Chicago day (rain rain go away). But it does give me an excuse to get some stuff done around the house instead of going into work, which is where I'm supposed to be but can't seem to muster up the motivation. Shocker. Now I've convinced myself that I'll get there at 5 am tomorrow morning instead. We'll see how that plays out.
History in the Making
I've been listening lately to my bday mix handburned by GTA. It has some old and new, and on the nostalgia side there's "Brimful of Asha," which had me wondering "what in the world ever happened to Cornershop?" Well, Cornershop lives. And has a cool vid to a new song, to boot.
c/o stereogum
Urban Frenzy, Interrupted

These are just awesome. Photos of Tokyo taxi lights by Marco Bettoni, via Lens- (I might as well just embed it into this site) -scratch.
This memorial weekend I'm off to San Diego for the first time ever (only my second time in California), and I couldn't be looking forward to it more. Til next time....
Behind the Bunhouse
It takes a little time to warm up - a minute and a half to be somewhat exact - and reminds me a bit of Fanfarlo, which reminds me a bit of Arcade Fire, Clap Your Hands and Talking Heads, but I've never faulted anyband for being derivative. Can't be helped, really.